Monday, October 19, 2009


Kanye West has teamed up with Film Director Spike Jonze to create We Were Once A Fairytale.
Not too sure how long that link will last but an official release is expected.

My opinion, Kanye did a great job acting playing both humorous and serious roles.
Its a short bit for Kanye but I guarantee he'll be doing movies in no time. He's been acting his whole celebrity career at least, now they just have to throw a camera in front of him. To me, the best part of the video is the animated character that Kanye rips out of himself. Looks like the same animation team that worked with Jonze on Where The Wild Things Are.

My take on the film is an interpretation of fame and fortune and the damages it may have. I think he killed his big ego but who knows.

I love how they threw in Mayer Hawthorne's When I Said Goodbye when he was (my speculation) he was dreaming of being with his girlfriend.
Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata in the closing moments of the film.

Whats your take on this video?
What about Where The Wild Things Are? What did you think? 


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